I encourage you to explore yourself in your body, to accept and love yourself more and more. To use your desire and sensuality as a gateway to deeper healing and self-knowledge and to free yourself.

  • For many years I have been experiencing and researching the diverse possibilities of the massage ritual and have repeatedly experienced the transforming, life-affirming and wonderfully helpful powers of touch.

    Whether as a form of communication, as a brilliant celebration in honor of our sensually perceiving being, as deep inspiration, as activation and regeneration of our very own powers or as a sensual experience of intimacy and love, we all came into being in relationship and touch, developed there, became there injured and healed there.

    Physical touch and closeness, sensuality and sexuality (what a cold word for a whole complex universe), these are areas that in many societies are unfortunately still occupied with negative conditioning, hurtful and limiting experiences, insecurities, shame and rehearsed ideas that in front of the underlying reality and thus hinder us more instead of helping us. At the same time, our sexual power and the way we experience relationships is deeply connected to our physical, mental and spiritual well-being, as well as a source of fulfillment, creativity, security and freedom.

    In a massage ritual you get the opportunity to experience yourself beyond the pressure to perform or special expectations, to relax and explore yourself on all levels, to get to know your (partially unconscious) ideas about how sexuality and liveliness have to be expressed, to perceive possibilities to expand and to (re)discover something new or maybe long forgotten. It is a gift to yourself and therefore something very social, because your satisfaction also enriches your whole environment. The more you can love yourselve, the more you can love the other. Our body is our home, come and get to know your home and your world inside you.

    • Ritual of intimate touch for women , men & couples

    • Trauma sensible pelvic care for women

    • Coaching on tantric touch

    • Womens Pelvic Floor Training with Martin Beaudoin, Berlin

    • professional work with tantric massages since 2022

    • Thai-yogamassage, passives Yoga, Yogavidya Bad Meinberg


    • Pregnancy massage and postnatal massage, Berlin with Nadine Neuner


      Weiterbildung Hakomi mit Helga Holzapfel, Berlin

    • Further training Hakomi -mindfulness-centered somatic psychotherapy with Helga Holzapfel, Berlin


    • Shiatsu und Bondage/ Berlin, with René Zechmeister


    • Hypnomassage/ Paris, with Ysel


    • Further training in tantra massage with Kamala Mara/Berlin

      10/2011 – 01/2017

    • Tantric Massage Practitioner TMV®

      Professional training according to standards of the German Tantric Massage Association (Tantramassage-Verband, TMV®) at AnandaWave, Michaela Riedl


    • 11/2016

      Seminar Breath Meditation and Breath Control with Robert Kriz, Cologne

    • 09/2016

      Dearmoringmassage with Vojta Chladeck, Berlin

    • 02/2016

      Lomi-Lomi-Massage with Anja Goralski, Berlin

    • 11/2015

      Kamasutramassage with Andro, Diamond Lotus, Berlin

    • 10/2015

      BDSM-Hypnose mit Undine, Hamburg

    • 11/2014

      Movement, Lightness and Devotion in Tantra Massage, Gitta Arntzen and Marcel Kern, Cologne

    • 06/2014

      Liberty training mit Klara Luhmen, Berlin

    • 11/2013

      Variations in the entrance ritual, play and intuition during the massage with Iris and Christine


    • Professional Training Yoni Massage & Sexual Energy Meditation with Andrea Silvanus, Ananda