Massage is a blink from the spiritual realm to update the physical form. Giving impulses that enable renewal. Introducing new information into the multilayered network under the skin.


Hartonomassage is as personalised as it is customised. A background in martial arts and dance combines with a decade's experience in somatics, fascia, deep tissue, acupressure, and Malay massage.

Just as I interpret my clients’ unique form and frequency to restore essential equilibrium, my eponymous technique is an amalgamation of traditional massage techniques, and the culmination of a lifelong study of all forms of body communication.

Manipulating the skin and deeper tissues with deliberate movements, Hartono Massage revitalises and renews the body while bringing emotional well-being and spiritual grounding. There are millions of receptors in the skin which, when properly stimulated, trigger the release of feel-good endorphins – touch the body, calm the mind, heal the spirit.


60 min 90 €

90 min 135 €