
„ Here in this body are the sacred rivers, here are the sun and the moon, and places of pilgrimage. I have not found another temple so delightful as my own body “ Saraha Doha

  • For 15 years Jana has been researching and learning intensively in the areas of bodywork and consciousness, sexuality & spirituality, inspired and fascinated by the Tantric tradition and the knowledge of Taoism, Ayurveda and the current knowledge about body and trauma.

    With much love and dedication she shares her knowledge of the art of touch in sessions and seminars and creates mindful meeting and research spaces.

    A mere caressing awakens our entire sensory organism and nourishes our deep need for closeness and security. Through careful touch we carefully recapture our body and listen to its wisdom. More sensitive and touchable we open ourselves to the experience of the world and overcome isolation and cut-offness step by step. Carried by the intuition that salvation & oneness is possible. If we accept our entire nature and live unreservedly present towards reality

    To experience this journey together and to create conscious and fulfilling culture is my wish and deep desire.

    People who inspire and teach me in particularly :

    Ilan & Mari Stephani , Daniel Odier, Eric Baret , Dirk Liesenfeld , Jessica Walker & Amit Cameli, Giten Tonkov, Shifu Shi Heng Zuan

    I passionately dance Contact Improvisation & Tango.

    • Ritual of intimate touch for women , men & couples

    • Trauma sensible pelvic care for women

    • Ayurvedamassage & Intuitive massage

    • Coaching on tantric touch

    • Seminars on tantric massage for women and couples

    • Tantra massage training at the Tantra Zentrum / Dirk Liesenfeld & Silke Brusis 2006/2007

    • Training as Ayurveda Massage Therapist at Campus Naturalist 2007

    • Establishment of Mandelmilch & Safran, now Schossraumwelten, 2009

    • One year Holistic Bodywork ( Thai massage & trauma work )

    • Biodynamik Breath & Traumarelease / Giten Tonkov

    • In training Myofacial Energetic Release / Satyarthi Dylan Peloquin


    • Kashmirian Touch Ritual & Tandarva Daniel Odier

    • Kali Praxis Daniel Odier

    • Yin Yoga Training Stefanie Ahrent

    • Training Tantra & Trauma Ilan & Mari Stephanie

    • Chi Nei Tsang - Abdominal massage

    • Tai chi & Chi Gong